Morning Mercies

Morning comes

Brilliant sun

A new day rises.

His mercies are new every morning.

His fresh but costly grace given…

To see His hand in each step, each place and His ability to make all things new.

To forgive and transform us.

To restore us.

To be able to see and delight in the good gifts in front of us.

To hunger and find our fulfillment in Him.

To give His grace to others.

To hear His voice and walk in His strength.

To live with a settled joy in Him whatever the circumstance.

The sun rises.

His mercies are new every morning.

Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord!

A Reflection Yet Flawed

I am made in His image.

But I am not God.

I’m not even God-like.

I am the creation of the self-existent One to be a reflection of Him, but I, as every human being, am created and sustained by this One who is our Creator.

Many will puff up believing themselves to be equal.

Many will scoff that any but themselves would be “in charge of their destiny” and have any say in their personal choices.

Many will mock that they can choose much of who they are.

But I rejoice that He has made me as I am for His glory, my joy, and, prayerfully, for the joy of those around me.

Sometimes I am perfectly content with all that I am.

But, if I’m honest, I am not always thrilled with that creation.

Yet He reminds me in those moments that I am His unique design, even in my imperfection.

Where it is my actions and attitudes that are broken by the fall and my own heart, I can trust that my Savior is more than able and will chip away and refine those parts of me that clash with His beautiful intent and will for me. And He will do that, whether I respond immediately or not!

He will do so for His glory.

He will do so for my joy and for that of those in my life!

How fearful for those who have been “given over” to their own ways because they won’t submit to Him, won’t give up those parts of themselves that reflect a love of self more than God or anyone else. I pray the Holy Spirit will always keep my heart soft to His voice and His work in me. How I pray that I will always have the humility to hear correction from those who love me and who are aligned with His Word.

But where it is in light of how He created me, mine is to thank Him and rest, even take joy, in His design of and for me rather than be concerned either about that or how how I am seen or perceived by others.

My greatest joy, my greatest delight is to hear from Him, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” I want to hear that in my every day as well as on that final day as His child and in the roles in which He has blessed me.

Relationally, as wife, mom, Yawnie, friend, and even acquaintance, and in various roles of ministry, work, and use of my talents and gifts, I want to feel his pleasure, as famed Olympic runner and missionary Eric Liddell once said.

And when I am feeling His pleasure as His child, I will grow in my own delight of those roles regardless of the very good and the hard in those places.

It’s not that I don’t want to bring joy to others, to serve others, to encourage others, to point them to Jesus. I absolutely do! But I’m seeking the applause of my Savior not men and women!

Today I choose to remember, as with a songwriter, that all I ever have to be is what You made me!

Today I choose to submit that to the One who created me for His glory and pleasure!

Today I choose joy in that!